The Raptors Created One Of The Best NBA Finals Hype Videos You Will Ever See

It certainly feels weird for me to be rooting for the Raptors given the division they play in, but listen facts are facts and this official 90s mixtape video put out by the Raptors is absolutely awesome. There’s just something about how hyped this city and fanbase is to experience an NBA Finals for the first time I can’t help but be happy for them. I can only imagine what the scene is going to be like in Toronto once we get closer to tip, I’m guessing pretty fucking crazy.

And in my opinion there’s no better way to get amped for Game 1 than a badass mixtape and that’s exactly what the Raptors have created. I was nervous when I saw this video that it was going to be a song by Drake, and I was praying that wouldn’t be the case. I get he’s their superfan and all but him doing a song heading into the Finals would have been corny I feel like. The fact that they went the 90s route and made this shit look like a VHS tape combined with some 90s beats from Rap Essentials Volume One could not have been a bigger homerun. Only fitting that since it’s been 24 years of Raptors basketball that this has a 90s theme. Maybe that’s just because that era of music is my personal favorite, but the sound combined with intentionally not making the footage HD was the first time in years I actually didn’t care that everything was blurry. It all just worked so well. Not to mention the actual lyrics are fire as well.

The Raptors enter Game 1 as -1 favorites, but if they were smart they would make sure every player watches this video beforehand. The 90s weren’t exactly a great time for Raptors basketball, but this video was so awesome I’m willing to ignore that.

So to whoever with the Raptors was responsible for creating this masterpiece, you nailed it.