Lil Nas X Made A Surprise Visit To A School And The Kids Gave Him A Beatles-Like Greeting

Holy shit that was AWESOME. There hasn’t been screaming like that since The Beatles were on the Ed Sullivan show back in ’63. I’d even argue that the screaming those school children let out was more eye piercing than anything John and Paul ever heard. That shit was LOUD. Lil Nas X hadn’t even entered the room and the glass-shattering screams had already begun. Oprah could’ve walked in there and she wouldn’t have gotten half the decibel level that the composer of the smash hit Old Town Road got. Incredible.

Seriously, at this moment in time who gets a bigger reception than Lil Nas X? Michael Jordan? Maybe? Bieber? Michelle Obama? Okay Michelle Obama* for sure gets a reaction just like Lil Nas X and maybe more but she’s the only one. Lil Nas X is about as hot in the streets as a person can get.

*Nobody walks into empty rooms quite like Michelle Obama
