Phillippines President Rodrigo Duterte, The Scariest Man On Planet Earth, Tells Canada To Take Back Its Trash Or Face WAR!

Are you guys familiar with Rodrigo Duterte? He’s the president of the Philippines. If “Make America Great Again” is the guiding message of Trump’s presidency, The Raid would be the founding principle of Duterte’s office. If you don’t understand what that means, go watch The Raid immediately. Then watch The Raid 2. Then check out Rodrigo Duterte, who basically went through the streets of the Phillippines and dealt with drug dealers by murdering them all using mercenaries on mopeds. Seriously.

Apparently, Justin Trudeau and his merry band of mounties didn’t get the memo. They’ve been treating the Philippines as their own personal Glad bag, which is a bit odd from a country we consider an ally to polar bears and those flying walruses. They were supposed to fetch their refuse but they refused, missed their deadline, and now Duterte is DECLARING WAR ON CANADA?!?! Did I read that correctly?! Of course he is! He’s Rodrigo Duterte. He declares war over breakfast. Does Canada want that smoke?

Of course not. Smart move, Trudeau. Far better to retrieve those 69 containers (nice?) of waste than to have the peaceful residents of Prince Edward Island wake up to find that Road Rash ’91 has come to their driveways. Keep your trash, Canada. Duterte is cleaning up.

As for The Raid? A taste…

That’s not even close to the best fight scene in the movie. I don’t want to spoil the good ones.

PS- I know The Raid is from Indonesia and the Philippines are a different country. Doesn’t mean Duterte hasn’t seen it/isn’t trying to live it.