HOT MIC: Drunk Guy Asks For Baseball Bat During An Indiana High School Baseball Game Because He 'Caught His Girlfriend Sucking Dick'

YIIIIIIKKKKEEEEESSSSS. I mean it’s bad enough to get caught on a hot mic at a high school baseball game in Indiana as an adult. But, when you are out here admitting you are getting cucked by your girlfriend and asking for a bat things are getting a bit out of hand.

Granted it’s Evansville, Indiana and there’s probably not much else going on. But, getting hammered and wandering to the high school game is about as Evansville, Indiana as it gets. At least he knew he was at the game? Good awareness to ask for a bat. I mean that’s the best place to find a baseball bat.

While everyone will focus on the man asking for a baseball bat and girlfriend sucking dick, the real gold is at the end. The dad with the ‘get out of here’ followed by profusely apologizing. The guy is just trying to get a baseball bat.

I have so many questions though. Did he wander into the press box? How did he get in so easily? Is he a parent? Did he just find out his girlfriend was sucking someone else off? These are the hard hitting questions I have and may need to make the short drive to Evansville to find them out. Some investigative journalism.

‘We don’t say that in here’ is a laugh out loud line.