Deontay Wilder Is Actively Trying To Murder His Opponents In The Ring (He Really Wants To Kill Them)

Oh, okay, god damn.

Ivan Drago went down as a murderous psychopath for just stating the obvious about Apollo Creed – “If he dies, he dies.” – way back in ’85, and Deontay Wilder is out here one-upping him and going as far as saying, “This is the only sport where you can kill a man and get paid for it at the same time…so why not use my right to do so?”

This fuckin’ lunatic then looks out towards the horizon and smiles like Thanos after the success of his snap, decimating half of all living things in the universe…

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Tell ya what – that’s some terrifying shit! I will be staying FAAAAAAAAAR away from Deontay for the foreseeable future. This apparently ain’t even the first time he said it, either. Not a random offhanded comment to promote a fight. Homeboy WANTS THIS MURDER.