Columbus Is, Was, And Always Will Be A Football Town

Well, it was fun while it lasted. And I’m not here to make excuses but I will say that the 2 minute minor on McAvoy may go down as the worst no call in the playoffs of all time. Not just hockey. All sports. Now I know how the Saints feel. They lost the Super Bowl and we lost the Stanley Cup. But regardless, hockey is nothing more than a way to pass the time between winning the Rose Bowl every year and getting ready for the Spring Game. And if we’re being honest, I wish they’d move the season up a little bit. I don’t know when the season starts but I can tell you it should end in the beginning of April. I wasn’t able to follow the Buckeyes as closely as I wanted throughout spring ball. And with us needing to groom a new coach AND new quarterback this year, I feel like I needed to be there for my guys. Whatever. What’s done is done. Where’s the National Championship at this year, New Orleans? Geaux Buckyes.