Tiger Woods Becomes Just The 4th Golfer Ever To Receive The Presidential Medal Of Freedom


Yuge. The accolades just keep stacking up for our guy Tiger and he can now add Presidential Medal of Freedom to those accolades. Pretty damn good. President Trump realized what a massive deal it was for Tiger to win the Masters after all those years so he decided to give him the high high high honor. After everything Tiger went through from the scandal to the divorce to the back surgeries to the DUI, our man has been through a lot and fought through a lot of (admittedly, lots of it self inflicted) adversity. But he never gave up, scratched and clawed all the way back and won the 2019 Masters* against all odds. Donnie T said it best, there are no winners like Tiger Woods. He’s the GOAT and Jack Nicklaus should be very very nervous. Trump didn’t say those last two things but they’re true regardless.

*In case you missed it, Tiger Woods won the 2019 Masters. It was incredible and a pretty big deal when it happened.