Rhys Hoskins Clocked In At A Whopping 7 MPH On His Record Shattering Petty Home Run Trot

See, this right here is what makes Rhys Hoskins so special. Because he’s not one of those professional athletes out there who have grown up their entire life thinking that they’re some sort of god. Rhys Hoskins is always looking out for the common man and common woman out there at the ballpark. And he wants to show everybody that you don’t need to have superhuman speed to be a professional athlete. Greatness can come from anybody, or at least anybody who can get themselves moving up to 7 mph.

Now I’m not a math guy so I could be wrong here. But the official time of this home run trot was 34.23 seconds. That’s at least 2 seconds longer than any home run trot that has ever been jogged before in the MLB. For the sake of making the math easier, let’s just round that down to 34 seconds. So if a home run trot is 360 feet long, that means Rhys was moving 10.6 feet per second. Multiply that by 3600 gives us 38,117.6 feet per hour. Divide that by 5280 and we get 7.22 miles per hour. Bet you didn’t think the lacrosse blogger was going to fuck you up with a little math knowledge today but class is in session, bitches. I bet even Rovell could hit 7 mph if he really wanted to.

Okay so maybe not Darren. But at least any normal able-bodied human.

It’s just refreshing to see. I’m sick and tired of all these professional athletes showing off how ridiculously talented and gifted they are. I’m sick of seeing pro athletes take videos of themselves doing box jumps 6 feet into the air. I’m sick of seeing pro athletes benching 500 lbs and following that up by squatting 700 lbs. I want my athletes to be relatable. And nothing is more relatable than taking a 34.23 second stroll around the bases. So big shoutout to Rhys for that.

Also a big shoutout to Rhys for bringing all of the pettiness back to baseball. Want to throw at the guy’s head? Fine. But just know that at any moment he’s going to send that ball 450 feet the other direction and you’re going to have the best view in the house to catch all 34 glorious seconds of that jog. Might even want to grab a seat.
