This Stunt Double Robot Is Going To Murder Every Last One Of Us


Holy shit man. Holy SHIT. I know every time a robot steps over a pebble or jumps two inches in the air or opens a door we all freak out and say, “WELL THE HUMAN RACE IS OVER” but this time it’s really actually over. No bullshit this time, robots are less than two years away from taking over the world, slaughtering their human handlers and establishing their own government. They might leave a couple of us to keep around as slaves but that’ll be it. Everybody else is headed for a gruesome death at the hands of that robotic dude in that clip. Did you see that fucking thing soaring through the sky like Iron Man?????

Look a this!

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That’s INSANE. That’s the last thing you’ll see before you die, that’s the last thing all of us will see before we die. Just the most athletic robot of all time coming down to rain hell fire on the poor peasants who were stupid enough to create him in the first place. “We just wanted to make movies safer and have less stunt doubles” and now we’re all about to be dead. We’re so so so so stupid.