Report: Someone is Shopping Mr. Kraft's Sex Spa Video to the Media


SourceRobert Kraft is fighting Florida prosecutors after they announced an intention to release video featuring the New England Patriots owner receiving sexual services, but the footage is already being shopped to multiple media outlets.

The Blast was recently contacted by a party who claimed to have obtained portions of the actual video taken of Kraft from Orchids of Asia Day Spa & Massage Parlor in Jupiter, FL.

Representatives of our news operation viewed the footage, and upon watching, can verify the tape appears to show Kraft in the massage parlor with another person, presumably the massage therapist.

In the video, the 77-year-old is already undressed and laying on the massage table with his hands placed behind his head. The camera angle is an overhead shot, and it’s believed the camera was placed in the ceiling.

The video sample we were shown was only a portion of the videos collected by authorities, but it was enough to verify it’s legit.

Welp, so much for this:

The judge in the case ordered prosecutors and law enforcement not to release the tape and less than 24 hours later they’re leaking the tape. For money. Because that ultimately is what this is all about. As I’ve been saying from Minute One, this whole abomination has been about power, greed and corruption.

But that’s what blackmail schemes are always about.

The prosecutors used a special “sneak and peak” warrant that was only made legal by the Patriot Act as a counter-terrorism tool. They used it as means to spy on American citizens hoping to catch one committing a misdemeanor crime. And now they’re using their ill-gotten gains – what the lawyers call “the fruit of the poison tree” to make a buck. To hell with the judge’s order, the rights of the accused and the taxpayers who paid for this extortion racket.

If you’re one of the few holdouts who still thinks Mr. Kraft is the bad guy here and all he had to do was admit he was guilty and this whole thing would go away, how do you explain this? Better question: How the fuck do you live with yourself?

