Congress Had To Scramble To Find Old Computers Because AG Barr Sent The Mueller Report On A CD-ROM

William Barr sending his assistant to drop off the Mueller report:

No wonder it took so long to release.  It wasn’t people dragging their feet or politically maneuvering – it just literally took a long time in a city that is apparently devoid of all 21st century technology.

Daily Mail – After almost two years of opacity, waiting and guessing, the Mueller report will finally be released on Thursday.

But before unveiling their thousands of pages of work, William Barr and his team delivered one final blow to the waiting world – it’ll be delivered on a CD.

Congress, which is on tenterhooks anticipating its delivery, scrambled on Wednesday night to ensure it had old enough computers that still have CD drives in order to load it.

In Congress, any Apple Mac desktops and the majority of laptops will not be able to host it because their drives were phased out years ago as the cloud grew in popularity and USBs became ubiquitous.

If you ever wonder why the government can’t get anything done, this is probably a good hint.  The most important document in the world of politics being delivered to Congress on a CD-ROM.  Congress needing to go into storage and frantically try to dig up like Gateway desktop computers to open it.

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(Nancy Pelosi’s office, circa 2019)

Probably was dropped off at the office by horseback from the Pony Express.  All the homing pigeons flocked south I guess.

Just hope everyone stayed off the phone long enough for AOL to connect on the dial-up and allow the Geocities blog containing the report to load.

I wonder if Barr made one of those custom sticky labels to put on them like I used to make for my mixtapes.

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So many high school girlfriends probably still have Keith’s Love Mix #7 in their glove compartments.