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Best News Of The Day - Jussie Smollett Is Getting Sued By Chicago For Hundreds Of Thousands of Dollars For Wasting Everyone's Time

Jussie Smollett Returns To Court To Enter Formal PleaWGN – The City of Chicago has filed a lawsuit against actor Jussie Smollett after he refused to reimburse the city for investigative costs into what authorities said was a staged racist, anti-gay attack. A statement released Thursday from the city said:

The Law Department has filed a civil complaint against Mr. Smollett in the Circuit Court of Cook County that pursues the full measure of damages allowed under the false statements ordinance.  This follows his refusal to reimburse the City of Chicago for the cost of police overtime spent investigating his false police report on January 29, 2019.

The legal action comes just days after Smollett refused a city demand that he pay more than $130,000 to reimburse Chicago. He denies orchestrating the Jan. 29 incident as a publicity stunt.

If there’s any positive in this Jussie Smollett stuff it’s that everyone in Chicago can finally agree about something specially since this all started because he was trying to divide us. Well joke’s on him because he’s accomplished the complete opposite. This is a united hatred and it feels so good.

But that’s not enough for me. The world doesn’t run on sweet justice and united hatred. It runs on dollars and cents and this asshole wasted a lot. Gut tells me he’s going to get dragged publicly should it come to court. Smollett’s team will try to settle it silently and make that part of their demands – the city can’t talk about it.

Obviously Chicago officials are doing this to get some kind of retribution so I hardly imagine it’s about the money but rather about letting us know they want his head. I’m a vindictive son of a bitch. I can respect that move.

You can read the full complain below because this is a Big J story so it gets Big J treatment. Another bonus is I dropped out of law school twice (true story) so I have enough experience to know that while Jussie was basically ghosted on all criminal charges, he’s still subject to a civil law suit which is what normal people/businesses/entities do to each other all the time. We sue each other. It’s called a civil suit and that’s what Chicago’s doing to Jussie Smollett.

What’s unique here is that the lawsuit is for violation of an ordinance. That’s like the lowest level of burden for the city to win a lawsuit. It’s basically on the same level as a parking ticket. If they can show he wasted their time they’ll have a good chance to get a piece of the following

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D’s the moneymaker. If you get some asshole judge with a chip on his shoulder (imagine that) then the damages can get up there. Let’s hope they do because this guy is a piece of shit.