Apparently Budweiser Wants Everyone To Cry Today Over This Dwyane Wade Commercial

Yes I will be late to work and yes it’s because I’m crying my goddamn dick off right now after watching this video. Jesus, Mary and Joseph that might be the heaviest Budweiser commercial these eyes have ever seen that didn’t involve a horse or a dog. From his mother to the sister of the Parkland victim to just people Wade touched and helped improve their lives over the years. If this video doesn’t tug at your heart strings you need to call 9-1-1 because clearly your heart strings are detached. I also believe Wade when he said he didn’t know who was about to come out because there’s no way he’s that good of an actor to look so emotional hearing these stories and receiving these thank yous. I’d love to write more but I can hardly see my screen due to the tears still welling up in my eyes.