This Wrestler With No Legs Is My Favorite Person Ever After This Weekend

Welp! Dustin Thomas is my new favorite wrestler, and if he isn’t yours after watching the above clips and gifs, you’ve just got a big ol’ dump in your pants.

Dude had his big coming out party this weekend, mainly thanks to his spot and phenomenal match at Joey Janela’s Spring Break 3, and he better be booked on every wrestling show for all of eternity from here on out. Who doesn’t wanna watch this dude compete and root for him? He’s like…double the underdog that Zach Gowen was!

Luckily, it looks like he’s already gotten the attention of the AEW crew…

…so we may see him at Double or Nothing on May 25th in Vegas, which would be AMAZING.

Get on the train now, ladies and gents. Thomas is a superstar waiting to happen.