This Conductor Who Wouldn't Let A Guy And His Dog In A Burlap Sack On The Subway Is A Big Meany

I am very confused by that video. Are dogs not allowed on the subway? That doesn’t seem correct. How much of a power trip is that conductor on that he decided to throw his weight around when an owner and his poor dog wanted to get from Point A to Point B? Get over yourself dude and let that dog-in-a-burlap-sack on the damn subway. I’m not aware of any rule that forbids dogs on the subway but I do know that I see dogs on the subway allllllllllll the time and, as a person who loves dogs, they are always a welcome sight. Dogs on the subway remind me that there’s still good in the world and that not all is lost.

Also, why didn’t the guy just get on the train and not ask permission? Who the fuck asks permission to do anything in New York City? I’m an outsider from flyover country and even I know to do that. Outside of rape and murder, everything is legal in NYC. You just do whatever you want all the time and nobody cares. Homeless people shit and piss and slang their jizz all over the subway and we all just sit there stone-faced with our headphones in like everything that’s happening is normal. Nobody is gonna care about a dog in a burlap sack. In fact, it will be a welcome sight given all of the poop and piss and semen that’s coating the rest of the subway car.