Heart Overjoyed: USC Baseball Upsets ASU

As you probably didn’t see, because this might definitely is the most random thing ever blogged on the website of Barstool Sports, USC took down the powers of ASU this weekend in college baseball. Everyone is talking about it. Everyone. It took the news waves by storm this weekend. It probably led SportsCenter last night. I’m confident it will lead off the rundown tonight on the site. Final Four? Nope. Jonas Brothers in Penn State because of Barstool Best Bar? Unimportant. Old Town Road becoming the song of the century? Never heard of it. It was all about USC.

My close and personal friend Dan Hubbs (head coach) has led MY USC Trojans to a massive series win over ASU. No one gave them a puncher’s chance, but that’s why they play the games folks.

College baseball. How dare people question the SPORTS in Barstool SPORTS.