If You Think This Dude Cares About Lightning You're A Moron

Lightning can cause one billion volts of electricity to shoot through your body and kill you in an instant, but have you ever felt the feeling you get when a 6 lb. Bass inhales your Texas Rigged worm after you plop it 6 inches off a boat dock in a rain storm? Because brother that is exactly what this guy was thinking here. Everybody has a dad or uncle who had no time for running away from fish because of rain storms, and you can only do so many close calls with rain before you get caught up in some shit that doesn’t play along.

As much as this blog is making light of this dude fishing in a storm, lightning is the farthest thing from a joke. Last summer I was caught in a lightning storm and I can honestly tell you it was probably the most terrifying thing I’ve ever been involved with in my life.

The good thing about living in the year 2019 is you don’t have to just take my word for it, look at these videos on Youtube of lightning striking boats. ABSOLUTELY PANTS SHITTING STUFF.


Just go inside and be alive to fish again a different day!