Tommy's Thursday Thoughts: Vol. 12 - Let's Talk About Diners


-Diners: jack of all trades, master of none. They make a lot of different foods, but don’t excel in any one area. For that reason, I don’t like going to diners for dinner. I’ll decide what I’m in the mood for beforehand, and then go to a restaurant that is known for that type of food.

-That being said, one of my goals in life is to be an older man who goes to the same diner every morning. I get the same thing – two eggs over easy with a side of bacon and homefries, white toast with butter, and a cup of coffee with milk and sugar. The service is impeccable, and the coffee is always refilled before I even have to ask. I sit at the tabletop bar. There’s a crew of other older men there too. We see each other each morning but don’t talk. Just give a subtle nod as if to say, “Yeah I fucking hate my wife too.”

-Sometimes I’ll be texting with someone in the same room as me. I’m funny so they might text “lol.” I’ll look at them and call them on their bullshit if they are not in fact laughing out loud.

-If someone says you’re “overrated”, don’t take that as an insult. That means the majority of people rate you highly, and this one person just disagrees. But they’re still acknowledging that most people think highly of you. So it’s kind of a compliment actually.

-How acceptable is it to eat on an airplane? Not snacks, I mean buying a meal at the gate and bringing it on the plane to eat. People do it, but if someone next to me pulls out a meal to eat, I’ll probably get annoyed. I ate on a plane recently and felt like people around me hated me for it. But maybe not everyone’s as cynical as me.

-The only reason to carry change with you is so you can use it at your next transaction to avoid getting change back.

-I don’t understand why some fast food places ask you what soda you’re drinking when it’s a self-serve soda machine. I should only have to tell you the size. I’m going to fill it up anyway, you just need to know what cup to give me. Maybe one time when they’ll ask, I’ll say “Why does it matter?” but that’ll make me look like an asshole. So I probably won’t.

-The first 60 degree day of spring feels so much warmer than the first 60 degree day of fall even though they are technically the same temperature.

-It would be nice if movie theaters had a 10-15 minute intermission. Maybe some do, but I want them universally. Give everyone a chance to use the bathroom, get more snacks and drinks, check their phones, talk about what’s happened so far in case it’s confusing, etc. As someone with a frequent urination problem, I obviously want this for selfish reasons, but I really think everyone could benefit from it.

-Why do Laffy Taffy chews, particularly banana flavored, make your mouth warm when you eat them? Or is it just me? Hope not.

Thank you for your time.