Lonzo Ball Demonstrates Why You Should Never, Under Any Circumstances, Get Your Family's Company Tattooed On Your Body


They say that “family is forever”. They don’t say that “family businesses are forever”. Especially not when your dad’s best friend turns out to be a total scumbag and rips you off for $1.5 million. In that case, “family businesses are for roughly 2.5 to maybe 3 years maximum”.

Now in certain regards, 2-3 years can be seen as a pretty decent chunk of time. Like if you call up a super popular restaurant and you’re looking to make a reservation but they say “sorry, we’re booked for the next 2-3 years”–you’d think damn, that’s a long fuckin’ time. Or if you finished the last season of Peaky Blinders and you realize it’s going to take about 2-3 years for the next season to get on Netflix–you’d think damn, that’s a long fuckin’ time. But if you compare 2-3 years to the amount of time that tattoos typically last? Which is forever? Well then maybe 2-3 years isn’t necessarily that long of a time. Heck, you can’t even get a bachelor’s degree in that amount of time unless you’re a nerd who takes a bunch of extra classes every semester.

Unfortunately for Lonzo, he didn’t really take that into consideration before jumping the gun and getting the Triple B’s tattooed onto his arm. And now that he’s about to make the switch over to Nike and BBB is RIP? Well now he’s stuck with a pair of shitty, non-cubical dice on his arm all because he didn’t follow the first rule of life. Which is to never get your family’s company tattooed onto your body. Especially if that company makes shitty shoes that do nothing but destroy your ankles while the co-founder rips you off for over a million dollars. Just let that be a lesson to all you boys and girls back home.
