Machine Gun Kelly's Transformation To Become Tommy Lee In "The Dirt" Is Absolutely Outrageous

It’s BANANAS to see MGK without tattoos. I couldn’t fathom going through this process every single day for 4 months. Don’t get me wrong I would for the fat check and amazing opportunity to play Tommy Lee in a movie. But there is a 1000000% chance I’ve never seen a check anywhere near as big as the one MGK got to do this movie, so I literally couldn’t fathom doing anything that had to do with getting paid that much and/or being a lead role in a movie.

The patience it must take to sit there and get all that shit put on your body to cover up all those tattoos and then take it off every single day is mind blowing. That must have got so fucking old after day like 6 or 7 and then you have to do it for another 110ish days. Then by the end he has to do all of that PLUS adding Tommy Lee’s tattoos. This reminds me of when I saw the workout regiments the guys that were in 300 had to do to get those crazy ripped abs, minus the working out part. It’s wild the lengths people go for movies but hey, I guess that’s why they make the big bucks.

I bet the makeup artists and MGK probably became close as hell. I mean how could you spend that much time together everyday and not become friends? He became good friends with Pete Davidson from doing this movie together so why not the makeup and hair artists too? MGK has always seemed to me like a pretty cool dude I bet he would love Barstool. MGK in the office for the day would be pretty electric. I imagine them all chilling at one of their mansions having crazy smoke sessions and breaking balls and cracking jokes for hours. I’d love to chill with MGK and Pete Davidson. They could use a fat guy in that crew. Every great crew has a token fat guy. I know they’d love me too. I think our energy all put together would be one hell of a vibe.

The Dirt is such a sick movie I’d recommend anyone to watch it. The acting is very solid for a Netflix movie  and rockstar/rapper movies are always fire but this one is particularly good. It’s insane these guys survived the savage lifestyle they lived.