How is Andrew Bogut in Such Great Physical Shape After His Return From Australia: "More Beer"

Detroit Pistons v Golden State Warriors

The Athletic

What everyone noticed about the YouTube mix was Bogut’s lighter appearance. “I look slimmer,” Bogut said of the comments. “I don’t feel much different and I haven’t changed anything specific diet-wise. Honestly, man, when I go back to Australia, I introduce a whole lot more beer to my diet. So maybe that worked. I have one or two beers with the family at night.”

That weight loss method will, sadly, not work for most of us. The reason it likely worked for Bogut? Probably because a significantly reduced travel schedule improved his diet without much trying. Those whose work includes points and SkyMiles know it all too well: Travel is the ultimate enemy of health.

And let’s have a look at Andrew Bogut when he first strolled back into Oracle Arena.

The key to peak athleticism? More beer. You heard it hear first folks. And just like that Andrew Bogut has become my favorite NBA player. He left the NBA with no plans on going back. He’s a stubborn guy, he says. Once he makes up his mind he doesn’t change it. He signed a two year deal in Australia and was living his best life. They play once or twice over there with limited travel and more practice time. That parlayed with more beer has Andrew Bogut rejuvenated. He joined the Warriors at the end of the season and skipped the long grind. Now he’s just going to come off the bench, drink beer, and win a ring. Not a bad life.

So how did he get back in the NBA? Well, he pretty much did his agent’s job for him.

“Funny enough, my agent didn’t even know,” Bogut said. “I told my agent, ‘Hey I’m talking to the Warriors,’ and he was like, ‘What the fuck? Do they know I’m your agent? Why don’t they call me?’”

Must be nice to take in the agent’s fee without having to do a single thing. Seems like Bogut and his agent are out here cheat coding the world.