Wake Up With Bowling Legend Pete Weber Losing His Mind On A Game Winning Strike

This Imagine bringing this kind of heat when you get older. What a rush. Good time to remind my Chicago guys to join a bowling league pronto. Even if it’s as a sub. Even if you don’t know anything about the league or the alley or the neighborhood. Just get into a league with a couple buddies and thank me later.

The camaraderie is on par with a country club at a fraction of the cost. Another thing: the sooner you get a league integrated into life, the easier it is to keep that league on your calendar when you settle down. I’m not selling life insurance but I do want you planning for the future. It’s much easier to get out of the house in your 30’s when it’s for the same thing you’ve been doing for years. I can’t bail on the guys after 6 years babe. That works. Impromptu beers with the boys after work? Not so much.

Anyways, shout out Pete Weber for being such a controversial lighting rod that someone would dedicate hours of their life compiling a 15 minute compilation of him missing spares. I don’t know much about professional bowling etiquette but can safely say this is extremely bush league.