Grown-Ass Woman Sits Down And Cries Like A Baby When Her Cruise Ship Starts To Tilt

It happened at the forty-five second mark in case you missed it. A grown-ass woman sitting on her ass being consoled by her friends (?) because the cruise ship she’s vacationing on is tilted at an angle. To be fair it was an extreme angle, but to sit there and cry is a response that I simply cannot get my head around. What happens if the ship rolls over? You just die? Get your ass up and get to high ground, babe. I’m not taking away from the fact it’s a scary situation, I’m just shocked at the lack of survival instinct. No one in the video has an appropriate reaction. You can barely tell, but this guy’s posted up at the bar (not a bad decision).

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Here’s another angle.

It’s like none of them have seen Titanic. Where *clap is *clap the *clap sense *clap of *clap urgency?  I was going to write about how this is yet another reason why cruises are the worst, but I can’t get past the overall reaction of the passengers. Oh well, at least everyone’s okay. Better luck next time.