Two People Were Straight Up Sword Fighting With Tongs At A Crab Leg Buffet In Alabama

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ABC - Alabama police say a dispute over crab legs at a dinner buffet ended in a brawl that left two people facing misdemeanor charges.

Huntsville police officer Gerald Johnson says he was eating at the Meteor Buffet restaurant when a fight broke out.

Johnson tells WHNT-TV that diners were using service tongs like fencing swords, plates were shattering, and a man was beaten by a woman. Johnson says diners had been waiting in line for crab legs for more than 10 minutes, and they lost their tempers once the food came out.

How in the world did nobody film this?

Arguments happen all the time. Fist fights happen all the time. A full on sword fight with tongs between two people at a crab leg buffet does NOT happen all the time. Do these people even know what kind of viral-ness they left on the table here?

It would’ve went toe to toe with some of the greatest restaurant fight videos of all time.

“I ASKED YOU FOR A FUCKIN’ CHEESEBURGER” wouldn’t have had shit on this.

I don’t care if that tackle/full ass shot at 1:57 is one of the funniest things ever.

What about The Big Show putting an absolute beat down on this asshole girl at McDonalds:

I still think it may have had a chance to take the top spot. It’s just such a shame that we have no footage.

I also would like to point out that I hate this pipsqueak reporter taking a shot at these people saying that a meal that cost them $10.58 will now cost them hundreds. It’s not about the money it’s about the buffet etiquette, dude.

If one of these people cut or took an absurd amount of crab legs while the other person waited just as long as they did then I fully support the person who took the first shot with the tongs.