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Rapper Denzel Curry's Cover Of "Bulls On Parade" Blew My God Damn Socks Off

I know most people – especially fans of rock n’ roll – are real hard to please when it comes to covers/reimagining of iconic tunes, ESPECIALLY when they’re coming from outside the genre itself. I get it! I’m with you! That being said, if you can’t get down with this fucking phenomenal cover of Rage Against The Machine’s ‘Bulls On Parade’ from rapper Denzel Curry, you’ve got a big ol’ dump in your pants. This IS rock n’ roll, through and through.

I had no idea who the hell Denzel Curry was before this – as I’m sure you could tell by my constant referral to him as ‘Rapper Denzel Curry’ – but I can tell you right now that having the balls to take a shot at a song like this one, and coming at it with the intensity that he did…that instantly made a fan outta me. Sure, his backing band helped him out big time – mainly his guitarist – but hell, it ain’t easy to step into Zach de la Rocha’s shoes and do him justice, and he did. So credit where credit’s due on that one.

Now if you’re still sitting there, saying, “Robbie, that cover SUCKED! Nobody can cover Rage! Get outta here!”, let me say this – I don’t believe any artist is un-coverable. Not a single one. If you think RATM is one of those bands that can’t be touched, and hated the above shot at ‘em, give this a shout…

Nobody’s un-coverable, if done right, and Brass Against does it right.

Some of my other favorites from them…