'Man I'm Getting Tired Of All This Fucking Snow" Is The Song Of The Winter

Well it looks like we found a cure for the winter blues and it’s the mother fucking HEAT WAVE that song is gonna bring. Hot hot hot. It’s the official song of the winter. A good beat goes a long way in making a good song but the greatest songs sound good AND have meaning. 2Pac was great at that. He made (makes? You never know) songs that would have you bobbin your head and afterwards would make you think. I’d file ‘Man I’m Getting Tired Of All This Fucking Snow’ in the same category. It’s a bop and a half AND when it was over I was like, “That was deep. That moved me. That made me feel something. I feel seen.” Anybody who has lived through a bunch of winters can relate to ‘Man I’m getting Tired Of All This Fucking Snow”

The realest part to me was, “Man I’m getting tired of getting my feet wet.” That’s what we like to call #relatable #content. There’s NOTHING worse than wet socks and wet feet. Winter sucks because it’s cold and you have to scrape ice off your windshield and it kills homeless people and blah blah blah. But I’d rather have my arms and legs chopped off than have to deal with soggy socks for 20 minutes. Just typing “soggy socks” made me wanna throw up on the keyboard. Great song, though.