Dwyane Wade Re-Enacting The Final Play Of The 2006 Finals Should Go Over Well Tonight

Listen I know everyone is supposed to be all nice to Dwyane Wade while he goes around the league on his farewell tour. That’s all fine and good, but something tells me the people of Dallas will not be thrilled once they catch wind of this video. You can see the smile on Wade’s face too, he know’s what he’s doing. I can see why he did something like this as he returns to the scene of the crime for the last time in his career, but let’s not pretend this isn’t a sensitive subject for Mavs fans. Just take 5 seconds and Google “2006 NBA Finals rigged” and you’ll get the idea.

Of course that Finals was rigged. Wake up. Not that you should take Tim Donaghy at his word, but he was fairly open about how this series went down

“Basically, Dallas was up in the series,” Donaghy said on the Forgotten Maverick Podcast. “With that being said, the way it was back then, was that the NBA would come in in order to extend a series, to go over plays that they felt should have went in Miami’s favor that didn’t and that went in Dallas’s favor that shouldn’t have and they started to program and training the referees to look for certain things.”

“I think basically Dallas basically got screwed out of a championship in that situation because the NBA started to manipulate the series to make sure it was extended and Dallas could never recover from it,” Donaghy said.”

Let’s just review the facts. Dallas was up 2-0 and looked great. Game 3, a game in which MIA won by 2, Wade took a total of 18 FTs. A lot of those were early, but it was clear the officials were keeping MIA in the game. They won Game 4 with no issues but then came Game 5. This was the one where Wade shot 25 FTs, the same total as the entire Mavericks team. Things came down to a controversial call in favor of Wade in overtime with 2 seconds left on a foul call every Mavs fan will swear didn’t exist. Then, now up 3-2 there was Game 6 in DAL where Wade took another 21 FTs, the Heat won, and you got that signature moment we saw Wade recreate today

If I’m a Mavericks player tonight, I’m making Wade pay for pulling off a move like that. Forget the fact that he’s old, forget that this is just supposed to be a nice sendoff on what is a HOF career. You can’t allow this man to walk into your arena and make light of this situation. Rip open old wounds and rub salt all in them with no remorse. If I’m Dirk there’s no way I let that stand. Even if they got them back in 2011, that’s fucked up.