BREAKING: Ben Simmons Has Attempted A Real Life Three Pointer!

I don’t believe what I just saw. So far this season Ben Simmons is on the books for 2 official 3PA, but that’s misleading because those were basically heaves. This was the first time all season we have seen Ben Simmons take a real life three. To be honest, the form wasn’t all that bad! I’m a little afraid about what this means moving forward though, did hell freeze over? Is the world about to end? Because if there was one thing you could take to the bank it’s that Ben Simmons was way too much of a coward to actually try and improve his range/jump shot. Everyone knows that. I almost thought there was a whistle or something when I saw him start to gather and go up because it was the last thing I ever would have thought Simmons would do with the ball.

For his career Simmons is now 0-14 from deep, but who knows, maybe we’re about to see him actually try and make defenses guard him. I’d still give him all that space everyday of the week until he proves he can actually make one, but you have to start somewhere. Before you can become JJ Redick or something you have to have the guts to actually take one, and maybe Ben Simmons will get crazy and attempt (gasp) another one at some point this season.

This is the beauty of the NBA, you never know when you’re going to get something crazy. We’ll now always have this moment in history which is pretty cool. February 10th 2019, Ben Simmons finally shot a real three. Congratulations to him and Sixers fans everywhere at showing signs of no longer being a coward. Big day for them both.