Steve Ballmer Dropped A Big Time 'Motherfucker' While Celebrating Last Night

You have to admit, Steve Ballmer might be the best owner in sports. Not just the NBA, but all of sports. Not only is he the type of owner who has no problem paying whatever he ahs to in order to make his team competitive which you should love as a Clipper fan, he genuinely lives and dies with this team just like we do. Billionaire owners, they’re just like us! Let me set the stage here. The Clippers were in the middle of a late fourth quarter comeback,  Lou Williams made Rondo make a decision and leave his man which left Tobias Harris open for this dagger three

A big time shot in a big time moment that delivered the perfect response from Ballmer. I just don’t know how you couldn’t love the guy, he is an absolute psycho and don’t think this reaction was simply because they were playing the Lakers. This is how he is literally every single game the Clippers play no matter who it’s against or when it takes place. I think it’s really awesome to have an owner that cares and reacts like a fan, I guess that’s why I really like Mark Cuban too. These guys make so much money and treat the NBA like fantasy sports and a business so you’re not always going to get an owner that gives a shit. That is certainly not the case in LA and if I’m a player looking around at different free agent destinations, why wouldn’t you consider the Clippers and Ballmer? I feel like players would love playing for a guy who cares like this.

But why I love Ballmer goes deeper than him just caring about his team. It’s because he’s fucking hilarious when he freaks out like this. Jut a gigantic, sweaty, intense collection of electricity. Look at this man!

After the disaster of an owner the Clippers used to have in Donald Sterling, they deserve someone like Steve Ballmer. I was pretty tired this morning but after watching him for 5 seconds I couldn’t be more jacked up. Sure it’s a little weird I’m this fired up while being alone in my house, but that’s the Ballmer effect. If you don’t get revved up watching this man go crazy then I’m not sure you have a pulse.

Here’s to hoping Steve Ballmer owns the Clippers for the rest of time because I’m not sure there’s a better owner out there.