Dan Marino Does Not Flub His Commercials

I could watch athlete commercial outtakes all day long. This wasn’t exactly Winnebago Man or Ted Williams Citrus Hills level but athletes swearing is just one of those things that’s always funny to me. It makes me remember they are real life human beings and not just superhuman cyborg type creatures put on this planet to engage in high level athletics for our viewing pleasure to distract us from the cruel realities of life.

ACE VENTURA taught us that Marino had plenty of acting chops but this behind the scenes look showed us that not only could he deliver his lines on the mark but that he was also unflappable. Which makes sense for one of the greatest quarterbacks who ever lived. He delivered his lines, sans flub, and some jerkoff producer told him to run it again. A lesser man wouldn’t have been able to run that back so flawlessly. They would have been in their own head, doubting themselves, wondering if the flub was going to pop up again. Nope. Danny “One Take” Marino just flashed that million dollar smile, got back into character, and redelivered those lines pitch perfect and ended the shoot.

Also, while this has absolutely nothing to do with the blog, I hate how fire that hat is. Dolphins fans have had such mediocre football teams the past two decades but their gear is always on point. I don’t know how a color scheme like that doesn’t breed constant contenders but apparently there’s more to constructing a competitive football team than strong colors in a perfect city. Who knew.