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Debate: Could You Recognize Your Own Butthole In A Police Lineup Full Of Buttholes?

So this morning I did Hi Haters with Chaps and Trent. I knew it was going to be an interesting show because it always is. Naturally, we started out talking about Hodor from Game of Thrones’ cock (not on the rundown) and wound up on the topic of buttholes because of this guy.

Long story short,  Chaps asked Trent and I, “Do you think you could recognize your butthole in a police lineup if they had eight buttholes and one was yours- what do you think the odds are that you get your butthole right?” I wasn’t going to answer, but then he said, “You’re standing on the edge of a tall building when a murderer came out with a deck of cards. Eight of them were buttholes and you have pick the correct one or you’d go over.” So I was left with no choice.

Here’s the clip.

And here’s one of Cousin Murray weighing in from vacation.

It’s an interesting question and a polarizing one. Trent says no, Murray says yes, Chaps says no, I say yes. My rationale is that buttholes are like snowflakes; no two are the same. Some people have a perfect twelve-spoker and others have a bologna sandwich. Even if you haven’t seen it in a while you instinctually know which one is yours. I guess we’ll never know the answer to this question because no one will ever be in that situation, but it’s something to think about. Could you recognize your own butthole in a police lineup? Take it away, Juvenile.