NPR's Newest Tiny Desk Concert Is Fucking Weird: Introducing An Instrument That You Dont Touch To Play

Every week I look forward to NPR’s Tiny Desk Concert Series. They are really hit and miss but when they hit, it’s like Barry Bonds. See that? Sports reference. Nicely done.

Anyway, this week’s is easily one of the weirdest editions I’ve ever seen. How do you get to the place in your life where this is the kind of music that you play? How do you pass on the guitar, piano, oboe, violin, flute, and so many other instruments to play this weird shit? There are over 13 kinds of instruments in the world and this is your fav? This is the one that gets you up in the morning to practice?

Look. I like weird. Everyone knows that. I am now ready to make a promise. I will never learn to play an instrument that you dont touch. That’s my promise to you.

Additionally, here’s some good Tiny Desk Concerts to get that taste out of your mouth.