Coin Flip Kid Just Stunted All Over The Australian Open With A Swagtastic Kick And Twirl

Who did it better?


Shout out to that kid man. For real. I guarantee every fiber of his being was telling him not to do the kick and twirl but he did the kick and twirl anyway and he lit the world on fire. Deep down he knew this was his moment and he took advantage of it. It doesn’t matter what happens for the rest of the Australian Open, this year belongs to Coin Flip Kid. I’m sure the folks at the Australian Open aren’t happy because tennis is about as hoity toity as it gets so I doubt they want kids and their new fangled dance moves stealing the show but it happened so deal with it, Australian Open.

By the way, did you guys know that they do coin flips for tennis? That was maybe the most stunning part of the video for me. I’ve watched maybe 57 seconds total of tennis over the course of my life so there was no way for me to know tennis does coin flips but I am shocked that tennis does coin flips. What a development.