This Little Kid Celebrating His Favorite Team's Goal Is As Pure As It Gets

Adorable as shit. That kid’s fandom is as pure as the driven snow. That little dude waddled around the room as happy as can be when his team scored. All he wants is for his favorite soccer team to score as many goals as possible. He just wants them to do well. I miss those days to be honest. I miss the days when the joy of following your team far outweighed the pain and agony. As we get older we get more and more jaded about our favorite sports teams. We end up hating players who don’t perform up to our impossible standards. We end up hating other teams more than we like our own. Sometimes we even end up hating the team all together. It’s a wild way to consume anything.

We go from being that little guy to being this big guy

Don’t get me wrong. That video is LOL funny but it’s also crazy as shit. Both videos are entertaining for very different reasons.