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In Porn Searches, Big Women are Trending Up and Gingers are Down

SourceIf you happen to be producing porn for the ladies, consider yourself blessed. If you specialize in making adult-only content with redheads, you might want to invest in hair dye. …

[S]tatistics show that women will make up 30 percent of the porn market in 2019 (an expected rise of 41.9 percent from the previous year) and that interest in ginger-themed porn is anticipated to dip by 14.1 percent. Additionally, gay visitors should be on the rise this year, and searches for bisexual flicks are predicted to increase by 4.6 percent.

Although it’s fun to look at the stats — demand for Stormy Daniels content spiked by a whopping 3,575 percent in 2018 and porn featuring larger ladies leaped by 87.3 percent — for the porn companies, such figures are serious business. …

Some of those measurements show that women and men search for mom-porn equally while women are more than twice as likely to seek out daddy/daughter-themed material. Surprisingly, guys are more into seeing their gender cuckolded than women who want to watch themselves doing it. And as for movies featuring females with large derrieres, well, dudes are all over it while the fairer sex prefers to watch spanking videos by a significant margin. The search term with the greatest decrease in popularity for 2018? Porn in which performers pretend to be teenagers went down by 41.4 percent — and that sounds like a good thing.

There’s a lot to unpack here. And I’m too much of a small “l” libertarian to ever judge anyone by what porn they search for in the privacy of their home, school, workplace or commute. If some guy wants to jack it to husbands getting cucked, a woman wants to flick the bean to daddy/daughter content or some couple wants to watch large ladies getting some as foreplay? That’s what the Founding Fathers had in mind when they told King George to go piss up a rope.

I just hate to see the redheads trending down though. Just hate it. It’s tough enough being a Ginger in this day and age. South Park starts a whole society-wide meme about them having no soul.  Science is saying they’ll be extinct by 2060 if not sooner. And now they’re hitting a new low where the world is no longer interested in masturbating to them.

So while I celebrate everyone’s right to travel through this vale of tears pleasuring themselves to whatever porn suits their urges, let’s not forget the poor Gingers. Those pale, sun-adverse, often freckled and occasionally pretty redheads who were a huge deal back when Baby Boomers like your dad were jagging off to the actual Ginger on Gilligan’s Island and Andy Dufresne was whacking it to his Racquel Welch poster, but are so marginalized today.

I’m not here to promote any particular Ginger porn actresses. But I will list some of my favorite Ginger celebrities and ask you if we are not too quick to dismiss the fine contributions redheads have made to spank banks.

#SaveGingerPorn. Before it’s too late.