Rex Ryan Doesn't Feel Bad For Cody Parkey At ALL

Tell us how you really feel, Rex! Personally I love it. Whenever theres a tragic sports moment the timeline is the same:

Insane “over”reaction. I put “over” in quotes because I personally feel like its the proper reaction because sports are inherent ridiculous and the whole point is to be an emotional asshole. But, yes, its obviously an “over”reaction to freak the fuck out because a ball was supposed to travel in between two metal posts and didnt. So, Step 1: Over Reaction – Calling someone a Cocksucker 50,000 times:

Step 2: The pendulum swings back the other way and now the goat becomes the sympathetic martyr. Everyone praising Cody Parkey for praying after the game, for facing the media, making excuses about the ball being tipped, and shifting the discussion to everything else the Bears did wrong. i.e. “Cody score 9 of the 15 points!” “Blame Nagy for horrible play calling!” So on and so forth. Which is fine, and its obviously a deeper level of critical thinking and analyzing the entire body of work. But at the same time, fuck that. Of course the Bears didnt play flawless and of course there was other costly mistakes but they were in a position to walk off the field with a W if the executed a play that most playoff teams can expect upwards of 100% of the time. And Rex Ryan is here to let you know the truth. Nobody on the Bears is going to say it. Obviously you’d be piling on and your an asshole for kicking a man while hes down, but if you want the real deal, God’s honest truth? Hear it straight from the mouth of a Football Guy, albeit a relatively unsuccessful one? This is the truth.

Everyone in that organization understands that they could have done more. Theres plenty of people to share the blame. Theres a lot of intricacies deciding why a team lost a 60 minute game. But also, Cody Parkey probably should have hit that kick. Like really, really really, fucking probably should have hit that kick.