Degenerates And Special Teams Coaches Nationwide Are Sick After That Cowboys-Seahawks Ending

A two point conversion that ultimately had zero impact on the outcome of the game cost gamblers nationwide their sanity and their bankrolls for tomorrow’s double header.

I can’t imagine the high of seeing Dak Prescott march down the field to put the Cowboys up 10 with almost no time left on the clock only for the Cowboys defense, which had been rock solid all night, to give up an unfathomable BOMB to Tyler Lockett setting up this fourth down touchdown to a third string running back. 99.9% of the time that team kicks the extra point to make it a 3-point game and play for overtime. But that .1% gets jettisonned out the window when that team’s place kicker pulls his hamstring and exits the game right before halftime. The Cowboys defense AGAIN can’t pull through and gives up the two point conversion. Tragedy. Shakespeare himself couldn’t create that kind of pendulum swing of emotions from elation to downright despair in such a brief period of time.

At that point you lose the bet, there’s nothing the Cowboys can do to get you those points back, you just want to see those assholes outright lose. Fuck up this onside kick recovery and let Seattle throw some miracle Hail Mary or some shit. A kicker that grew up playing Aussie rules rugby should be able to get a tricky bounce for his team, right?

I mean you talk about not even coming close to doing something remotely helpful. I’d go as far to say that Dickson was getting paid on the side by Jerry Jones because there’s no other logical explanation for this kind of a boot into the abyss. Just an all time womp womp moment for Pete Carroll’s boys and degenerates nationwide.

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