Michael Jordan Cutting A Rug With A Giant Cigar Is The Definition Of Must Watch

You know what? I’m starting to understand why guys like Allen Iverson and LeBron James have called meeting Jordan is similar to meeting God. Who else can pull off this entire look? I’m thinking no one. The jacket, the cigar, the yelling at people filming him all while cutting a damn rug. That’s about as cool as you can get. No ifs or buts about it, that’s the definition of cool. I still don’t like Jordan since I hold a grudge from him killing my Knicks in the 90s, but I like this.

Here’s how you know Jordan is the GOAT though. He knows his strengths. He’s staying just with shoulder and arm moves here. He’s not getting to adventurous with his dance moves. You stay with what works for you. For Jordan it’s the shoulders. I’m suddenly craving a cigar.