Family Is Trying To Ruin Outdoor Rink Season By Asking Neighbors To Remove "Eyesore" Rink From Their Yard

I’m furious. A family in a town in Ontario, Canada is being asked to take down their rink in their front yard because it has become an “eyesore” to one of their neighbors. No this is not a joke. There is actually someone in the nation of Canada who is not happy with some kids playing a little hockey in their front yard.

“Because it is ugly in march and april when the kids aren’t using it” hmmm….then maybe don’t fucking look at it? No one is forcing you to look at SOMEONE ELSE’S YARD. Now, I understand part of the rink is on city property. I get that. But who cares? That isn’t even the complaint. The complaint is that the rink is ugly for the neighborhood and it is only allowed to be taken down because part of the rink is on city property.

Some of the best times in my life were on the rink in my backyard. Every year I could skate, my Dad would build a rink in our back yard. Each year as we grew older and could begin to help, the rink got better and better. The neighborhood depended on the Grinnell’s rink. Starting around Dec.1st all the neighborhood kids would start asking if my dad put up the boards yet and the day they go up and the tarp is laid and the rink is filled, kids wouldn’t leave all winter. For 20 years every winter was the same. There were friendships made, fights had, stitches, and broken bones year in and year out. Especially the year we started putting in lights so we could play at night. I’m sure the neighbors hated hearing my brothers, myself and all the local neighborhood kids yelling and screaming until 1am every night, but was there ever one complaint? Absolutely not. You know why? Because we were kids having fun.

What kind of asshole tries to deprive children of fun? Especially on a hockey rink? You’ve got to be a real loser and that is exactly what this person from Nepean, Ontario is. A complete loser.