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Partier In ISIS Costume With AK-47 & Suicide Belt Sparks Bomb Scare

You ever show up to a party dressed as a terrorist but there was more of an ‘adults drinking wine’ kind of vibe? The worst. Apparently that was the case about two hours North of London over the weekend when someone ditched their ISIS cosplay (???????) suicide bomber-belt into a public trashcan blowing up a huge panic.

From the Daily Mail:

A fancy dress outfit sparked a major bomb scare after a reveller dressed as a jihadi dumped a fake suicide vest in a high street bin.

A full-scale bomb disposal operation was carried out in Wellingbrough, Northamptonshire on Sunday after one careless partygoer ditched the suspect device while on a night out.

Crack troops from the RAF carried out a controlled explosion and sealed off streets around the town center after the fake suicide vest was spotted by horrified shoppers.

The bomb was revealed to be a dud after a Snapchat image of the man in costume circulated around the town, showing him with the fake suicide belt strapped to his chest.

Soon after its discovery local reports suggested it had been left by a reveller dressed up as a terrorist.

Northamptonshire Police Chief Superintendent Mick Stamper said: ‘Suspicious packages are always dealt with extremely seriously and, as a precaution, the Explosive Ordnance Disposal team was called in.

What kind of parties are they throwing over there? In the pictures posted of the event the bomb-belt guy (complete with faux AK-47) is standing next to a Braveheart-ish fellow with a long red wig, kilt & sword. I imagine a guy in full chain mail with a crossbow was just out of frame by the punchbowl pouring out drinks for a Joan of Arc type. Wild crew. And who could have ever foreseen this becoming an issue out in public?

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I’m just glad Americans don’t do dumb stuff like that.