MUST WATCH: Frank The Tank's Reaction To The End Of The Patriots-Dolphins Game

HAVE YOURSELF A DAY FRANKIE FINS FAN!!!!!!!! God am I happy that I kept one Must Watch tag in the holster in case content gold dropped from the heavens. And I think Tank going from the lowest of lows as a sports fan to his head almost exploding live on Periscope is Must Watch worthy, even before Ralph from Belville drops in from 12B like Cosmo Kramer with an incredible cameo that taught us all about neighborly friendship and a hug that almost brought me to tears. Ralphie screaming “Fuck the Patriots” was an especially tender moment between two men who have bonded around their hatred of Bill Belichick. I know there are probably a few Patriots fans reading this blog right now but even they have to feel at least a smidge happy for Frankie Fins Fan finally winning one. Portnoy’s heart may have grown three sizes this day despite the Pats having their guts ripped out on live television. What a play. What a moment. What a man. God bless Frank The Tank. As pure a soul as we have at Barstool and maybe on the planet.

I could write an entire thesis on the victory worm dance Frank just did, but KFC is churning a blog out on it as I type this.