I Made A Joke About Johnny Manziel While Playing Fortnite With Johnny Manziel And Now I Don't Think Johnny Manziel Likes Me Anymore

Ok…”Jokes”. Plural. At possibly Johnny Football’s expense. And after someone in the chat asked “Is Johnny Football carrying you?” and I instinctually responded with “This isn’t 2012″, things got a little quiet on the battlefront. To each their own. Was he offended or did he go Zero Dark Johnny out of fatigue because I goated him into another 10+ games by saying “Last one, can’t end on that”? I don’t know. But all I do know is I also saved him on the field of battle multiple times. Bands Of Brothers aren’t created, they’re earned. And I’m comfortable enough calling myself and Johnny Manziel brothers. Or something like that.

Seriously though Johnny was a great guy to play with and he shot the shit with the best of them. He definitely didn’t take things personally. I hope. Whatever. At least he didn’t get the wrath of my college alma mater when they called me to ask for money – AGAIN – while I was in the middle of a battle session.