End Your Workday With The Best Plays From November

Denver Nuggets v Milwaukee Bucks

Mondays suck, we know this. You dealt with all the shit you pushed off from Friday, maybe you drank a little too much this weekend, maybe you gambled a little outside your means, shit happens. Either way we all suffered through today together and thankfully you’ve reached the part of your day where you’re ready to mail it in and you’re in luck because I’m here to help you.

On Mondays by this time I know that it is my responsibility to find you something you can mindlessly watch to carry you to quittin time. I try to find something longer than the normal 10ish minutes of video because I completely understand how much some of you may hate your lives. The whole reason for this blog has been because when I was the cubes, these were the things I would watch when I was over being at work and I want to make sure even if it’s just one stoolie, that this blog helps you too. That’s why today we’re going big, 22 full minutes of basketball highlights from the best plays throughout the month of November. At times like these I find this type of video to be the best option, because

A) Basketball highlights rule

B). It’s long as fuck

So simple, yet so perfect. You know the drill, sit back, hit play, and get lost in the highlights and the next time you look up you’ll be free.

Congratulations for making it through another Monday. Just four more to go, we can do this.