Brilliant Little Girl Kicks Her Teacher In The Nuts To Escape Getting The Flu Shot

Jesus Christ guy, leave her alone. I’m traumatized and I’m not even there. Imagine being seven years old and getting stalked around the classroom like that? She was legitimately running for her life. It was like a horror movie, too, because he wasn’t even running and he was gaining ground on her. Poor girl. All she was trying to do was avoid all those nasty diseases caused by vaccines.

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That, or she didn’t like the pin prick.

Whatever the case, good on her for sticking to her guns and getting the F out of dodge. Now all she needs to do is escape the classroom, find somewhere to live, and learn how to support herself for the next ten years until she can leave the country. If not, she’s probably going to get vaccinated. Tough.

Anyway, if there are any American children reading this blog, be thankful you live in America and not wherever this is. Here your parents get to choose what drugs get injected into body, not some creepy government official in a shit brown suit. Consider yourself #blessed, kids.