Dave Chappelle Photobombing Your Engagement Pictures Is The Best Possible Thing That Can Happen

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So when I first saw these pictures I just assumed these people had paid Dave Chappelle like $50,000 to wander into the background of their engagement pictures but nope. Turns out he actually just wandered into their frame which makes the whole thing a billion times cooler. Like, that’s fucking awesome. Think about it. It’d be crazy enough to just run into Dave Chappelle on the street but to run into Dave Chappelle on the street while you’re taking your engagement pictures? That’s as good as it gets for a couple. Not to mention you get to go viral and are all over blogs and Twitter for a day.

Dave Chappelle wandering into the background of your engagement pictures is the best possible thing that can happen to a couple. I’ve never taken engagement pictures but all I hear about them is they are absolutely brutal to do. You walk around all day and take awkward pictures while you get egged on by a creepy photographer. That all sounds like a nightmare…………..unless one of the greatest comedians of all time just so happens to be popping into the brewery where you’re taking the pictures. That changes everything. It’s also a huge win for the bride because now she can brag to all of her friends about how awesome and unique her engagement pictures are. Her friends will scream with joy while quietly despising her for having such awesome luck with her pictures. That’s really what engagement pictures, and weddings in general, are all about. Making the friends of the bride jealous. Mission accomplished.