Hockey Reporter Interviews Player Named Dave Matthews, And I Think Everybody Can Expect What Happens Next

“Dave, what would you say… about the first 2 periods”


“You kinda have to play a bit of a crash into me style…”


“When you’re a kid, you’re under the table and dreaming about where this game can take you…”


“Small steps, baby steps, some ants marching…”


“You wear number 39, you ever think about wearing #41?”

For all the journos out there, it’s all about being in the right place at the right time. Your big break can come when you’re least expecting it. These types of opportunities only come by every so often. One day you’re just some balding reporter covering bantam/midget hockey in Nova Scotia. The next day you get the chance of a lifetime to interview a kid actually named Dave Matthews. And that right there is your big break. You can’t let that moment pass you by without a viral clip. You can’t just treat that like any other interview between periods. This is the exact moment that this man’s entire career has built up to. This is the difference between continuing to cover youth hockey in Nova Scotia or moving on up to Hockey Night In Canada. “Where Are You Going?” All the way to the top.

Funny the way it is, if you think about it.

P.S. – Speaking of funny the way it is, it was hilarious that this kid wasn’t picking up on any of the references. Kid is probably what, like 17 years old? No chance he’s listening to any Dave Matthews Band so he just has to live his life getting constant references thrown his way that he has absolutely no idea what any of them mean. Must be infuriating.
