President Trump Is Maaaaaaaad, Tells Reporter She Asks Stupid Questions

Some days you wake up and you’re just mad. You’re in a bad mood. That right there is a mad person. It’s an upset person. This reporter could’ve said “you look lovely Mr. President, how are you feeling this morning?” and he would’ve gone off on how she asks dumbass questions. Just one of those days. Happens to the best of us.

My favorite part is this was an incredibly appropriate question. If you envisioned a stupid question to ask Trump, this would be the exact opposite of that. It’s essentially the best question you can ask. The president just fired his attorney general, who had recused himself from a special investigation, and replaced him with a man who literally wrote a blueprint for how to minimize the investigation. So the president was asked if that man would rein in the man in charge of said investigation. A very not-stupid and quite expected question.

Anywho, the Trumpster’s off to Paris. Needs a nice weekend of dominating the French to get his groove back.