UFC Fighter "Platinum" Mike Perry Hilariously Misunderstands Question And Thinks He's Being Called Gay, Ends Interview Immediately

During the ultimate media day for UFC Denver, the promotion’s 25th Anniversary card going down tomorrow night on Fox Sports 1, Mike Perry was asked…what I’d call an easy question.

“You and Luis Pena: best friends?”

I’m not quite sure who the reporter asking the question was, but it’s a fair one – Luis Pena aka “Violent Bob Ross” – has been around Mike Perry a ton lately, and he was lightheartedly asking if they had formed a friendship recently. He could’ve asked about Perry’s cut down to welterweight, which I’m sure he didn’t want to speak about. He could’ve dug deeper into the shifts made to Perry’s camp following his breakup with his longtime girlfriend, Danielle Nickerson, who served as his cornerwoman in his first few UFC fights. He DEFINITELY could’ve tried to get some juicy quotes re: the Cerrone/JacksonWink breakup. He had a platform to ask all of these hard-hitting questions, questions that fans are curious about – he could’ve asked all of these things!!! But he didn’t. Instead, he asked, about this fuckin’ guy:

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(I know it’s immediately tempting to fall in love with a guy who looks like that and is called “Violent Bob Ross” but he IS one of Khabib’s training parters at AKA, so refrain if that’s the sorta thing you care about.)

Within MILLISECONDS, the reported realized he’d made a mistake and struck a chord with Perry, and tried to add to his question…

“I keep seeing on your vlog, you and him hanging out all the time.”

…but it was too late.

“It’s not my vlog…he’s here for the fight. He’s a good guy, why you gotta be gay with it? Are we best friends? Are these people your best friends? You’re standin’ pretty close to ‘em. You’re hair’s pretty…fuckin’…friendly…motherfucker. Any other fucking questions?”

That was Mike Perry’s answer…to the question…“You and Luis Pena: best friends?” He went there. He called the reporter’s hair…friendly? I don’t even – is that bad? I dunno! I’m a guy with awful hair I hide under a hat every day and I feel like I’d love my hair to be friendly.

For a second there, Perry’s brain did almost malfunction when he was trying to find “friendly” and couldn’t. I imagine he did a quick scan through all of the words in his vocabulary though and after the first, I’ll say 27 words, he got to F, skipped over the first F word that came to mind, and hit ‘em with the “friendly” chirp. Nailed it brotha!

I’ll say this – before last night, the thought of Mike Perry being a gay man never crossed my mind. At this point in time, there is now no doubt in my mind that he’s at least thinkin’ bout it or has dabbled in the past. And that’s all fine and dandy, it’s just that somebody straight and comfortable with their sexuality would probably just be like, “Oh hell yeah! Violent Bob Ross! Good dude, man. I wouldn’t call us ‘best friends’ just yet but I suppose the door’s open!” and laugh/move on. Not call a reporter’s hair…friendly.

P.S. Perry also had such an awkward farewell from UFC Tonight on Wednesday…