Michael Rapaport Responded To The Election Results By Tweeting Out Possible Pornographic Material For All Children To See

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Fact #1: Did You Know Michael Rapaport Was Sentenced In A Court Of Law For Harassing A Woman?

Fact #2: Did You Know A 47-Year-Old Michael Rapaport Once Publicly (And Falsely) Alluded To Having Sex With His 19-Year-Old Co-Worker?

Fact #3: Did You Know That Michael Rapaport Insinuated Engaging In A Sexual Assault On Twitter?

Fact #4: Did You Know Michael Rapaport Plays A Special Needs Child’s Father On ‘Atypical’ Yet Maliciously Uses The Awful Term ‘Retard’ To Disparage People?

Fact #5: Did You Know That Michael Rapaport Is…HOLY HELL THE HYPOCRISY IN THIS ONE IS INCREDIBLE!!!

Fact #6: Did You Know Michael Rapaport Gleefully Admits To Uninvitingly Touching An Actress’s Breasts While On A Movie Set?

Fact #7: Did You Know That Michael Rapaport Publicly Shames Random Women And Calls Them Pigs, Animals, And Other Derogatory Terms?

Fact #8: Did You Know Michael Rapaport Possibly Alluded To Comparing A Black Woman To A Monkey?

Fact #9: Did You Know Michael Rapaport Actually Tweeted A “Joke” Making Light Of Sexual Assault, Pedophilia, And Innocent Children Almost Dying?

Fact #10: Did You Know On Michael Rapaport’s Podcast Women Are Described As “No Ass”, “Medium-Perky Tits”, And “Looking To Get Piped Out” At A R. Kelly Concert?

Did You Know That Michael Rapaport Tweets Out Possible Pornographic All Children To See? (NSFW)

Michael Rapaport has participated in his fair share of offensive actions throughout his career and life. However, he has seemingly never used his platform to corrupt the innocence of youth. That is until now. Michael Rapaport was upset with the racial and gender statistics revolving around the 2018 mid-term elections, so naturally he decided to Tweet out an offensive, possibly pornographic GIF image. Why? I don’t know. See it for yourself:

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Wow. I’m not sure what election result statistics or even “White On White Crime” (whatever that means in this context) has to do with broadcasting out possible pornographic material for children, and everybody to see. If Rapaport has a reason for his actions, I’m not sure I want to know. All I do understand is we must protect the innocence of youth, and Rapaport Tweeting out blatantly obscene images for kids to see is not what is right for this world.

It’s amazing this man still is allowed to have a platform. For shame, Michael Rapaport. For shame.

MUST READ: Michael Rapaport Is A Fraudulent Sack Of Shit – Part I

MUST READ: Michael Rapaport Is A Fraudulent Sack Of Shit – Part II

MUST READ: Michael Rapaport Is A Fraudulent Sack Of Shit: Part III, The Final Chapter.