82-Year-Old Woman Voted For The First Time And Then Died


When 82-year-old Gracie Lou Phillips returned from early voting last week in North Texas, she “danced a little jig” around her walker, then sat down and raised her fists into the air, her family said.

“I voted!” she declared.

Until then, Phillips, from Grand Prairie, had never cast a ballot — the result of misapprehension about voting and the belief that she didn’t have a voice, her family said.

But her son-in-law, Jeff Griffith, said that in recent years, voting had become extremely important to Phillips, and she wanted to have a say in the 2018 midterm elections.

So despite being gravely ill, Phillips cast her first-ever ballot during early voting Thursday in Grand Prairie.

On Monday, she died.

I blame Alanis Morrisette. This is just too much. Just too sad. I know I should link Ironic for the song but I think this is the better jam and I need to be cheered the fuck up.

Imagine voting in this election that a lot of people seem to care about and then not even getting to find out who won. It’s gotta feel kinda like your death is a cruel trick. Probably get up to heaven and call Peter an ole son of a bitch and demand a better mansion or something. It’s what I’d do.

I’d probably get one of those Bill Gates new toilets but I’m not even sure if they have toilets in heaven or if people even poop in heaven.

You dont know which toilets I’m talkin about? Stay tuned after the break because that’s what my next blog will be about.